Areas of Service

Areas of Service
Areas where Elder Hagen has served:

Monday, January 2, 2017

Week 11: After Christmas

Hey mom! Here is my week, It was nice seeing you and the rest of the
family yesterday!

Hello Family and Friends, here is an update on my week, just to let
you know what i've been up to this past week.

It was great talking to all you yesterday, honestly, it was the best
few hours of my mission thus far, a real pick me up.

So my was as follows:

Monday was p-day, it was your typical shopping groceries, emailing.
Nothing to spiffy.

Tuesday was our mission Christmas conference, which mainly consisted
of musical numbers, a lunch (which was ribs smothered in bbq sauce, we
where asked to wear suits to this event), and a couple talks about the
meaning of Christmas. We ended around 6, and went to cafe rio, which
was awesome.

Wednesday was our interviews with the mission president, he asked how
i was doing and how the mission had been thus far, the normal mission
president questions. We visited Don afterwards, and went home to plan.

Thursday, we biked to a less actives house in the morning, visited
with her, and went home to find a box of duct tape addressed to me. I
got through the tape, to find a wooden crate and a crowbar, and inside
the crate, was some amazing jerky. Thanks dad!

Friday was, to say the least, an interesting one. The morning we
visited an recent investigator, met a zombie cat, and visited and
taught another investigator who is progressing at an amazingly rapid
pace. We got home around 12 for lunch, and walked to a less actives
house. On the way, I saw a deer get hit by a car, fly a good 10 feet
into the air, land, get up, and run back into the woods in which it
came. We arrived at the less actives, and talked to them for a good
hour or so before heading home to prepare for that nights activity, we
where to sing as a zone at the zoo that night, for the nativity it
hosts every year. We sang for a good 10 minutes, and sat down to enjoy
the show.

Saturday was Christmas eve, and we spent it hoping from one members
house to the next, as was Christmas day.

Thus was my week.

But, anyway, thanks for everything, have a great new year, love you!

-Elder Tayler Hagen

 Living nativity

a very serious district

Christmas Jerky from dad

Christmas pj shirt

A minion ball

Off to the races

Week 10: Christmas is Coming

So, my week, 

Monday was p-day, and honestly, not much happened, we did the usual routine in about half the time because the Zone leaders wanted to visit to play card games, etc, etc. (If you all ever here of card games called Dominion, Machi Koro, or Guillotine, I would suggest playing them), and that was essentially it, not much happened.

Tuesday, was our district's Christmas conference, so the week prior, we where asked to make a dish we wanted to bring, so i spent the morning making baked mac and cheese with bacon. It was great. Our district had our little party, our lunch consisted of my mac and cheese, mashed potatoes, store bought rolls, potato soup, and crepes.... Mission life. After our meeting, we went out to visit with a couple investigators, one of them is progressing, the other, somewhat is not.

Wednesday, the morning was spent at 2 less actives we where asked to visit, one just found out she doesn't have cancer anymore, the other, is struggling with MS, and honestly, both have incredibly strong testimonies, they would attend church if it wasn't for their health. It was extremely humbling. The rest of the day was spent at the mission psychologists essentially, we went to dinner afterwards at around 6. The member took us down a street called Christmas street afterwards, I'll send you a video if I can.

Thursday was the official first day of winter, and we felt it. It was around 38 degrees out with 80% humidity out. And me, being from California, discovered what the true meaning of cold meant while biking about to our appointments throughout the day. Those in Utah, know NOTHING of cold...  

Friday, was just your typical day, went to lunch with a member, I hit and crashed on a curb, Raked leaves for an investigator, in the bitter cold for about 3 hours, and spent the rest of the day after 5 at a quadriplegic members home, doing service for him and such.

Saturday, we got 29 referrals, and we spent the day visiting 11 of them. As it turns out, those 29 referrals, where not really referrals, they where previous investigators. Essentially, what happened was when our ward split, we got the records for everyone but this one area with these 29 people, and the missionary that had those records, got transferred out. So instead of going through the AP's to get them to us, he sent them in as referrals. The day wasn't all a bust, we went out with the same member that took us to Christmas street and he showed us this REALLY cool house with Christmas lights, again, I'll send you a video.

Sunday was Sunday, nothing to out of the ordinary, we went out with a member to go visit, and that was about it.

And so! 'Twas my week, I love and miss you all so much, I hope ya'll are having a great Christmas season.

Tell the Millers and Concidines  thank you for me, I'll try to send a thank you note!

-Elder Tayler Hagen


Bacon Mac

Us and the Manchester Elders, and our Glorious pile of leaves

video  of Christmas Street

Week 9: The Zoo and More

Hello mother! Hello family!

As for my week, it was great to an extent, a lot went on...

Monday was p-day, zone p-day, and we went to the local zoo, which I'm
not going to lie, was the only real thing on my bucket list for this
area to do on a p-day. It was the highlight of the week, just being
able to feel like I was a tourist for a moment, we saw giraffes and
penguins and lions and bears oh my! I'll attach some pictures just to
show what we did.

Tuesday was just phenomenal (sarcastically). we went on exchanges and
I got to stay in my area. Now, I need to remind you, I'm on bike, in
dark and hills Virginia, and it is very green and wet out here. So, my
day went as follows; we got up in the morning, it was pouring outside,
we went to an appointment in the rain, she wasn't home, we biked home,
in the rain, exchanged with the Manchester Elders, biked to another
appointment, in the rain, got a ride from our ward mission leader to
dinner, soaking wet, We got dropped off afterwards at another
appointment, the rain had stopped, and we got out from said
appointment after the sun had went down, it was cold, I was damp, my
wind breaker was not helping, my headlight on my bike was broken, so I
biked home from that appointment, in the cold, in the dark, and I hit
a mail box.

Tuesday, was great.

Wednesday, was a brighter day, it was sunny, we spent the morning at a
meeting with our district, and the rest of it visiting members and
less actives.

Thursday was freezing, but a normal day, the usual biking about and
talking to people.

Friday and Saturday, I would call days of service, we went about with
members and other elders raking leaves and moving boat engines and
such. Saturday we did have our ward Christmas party, It was great, out
of the 120 something active members of our ward, about 90 where in
attendance, and we had a special guest, Santa Claus.

And Sunday, we had our first ward council meeting as the Brandermill
ward in the morning, in which we as missionaries where asked to be
"front line emissaries" in finding the needs of our ward. The
afternoon was spent out on a split with a member, visiting with
potentials and less actives.

And that is how my week ended, there is not much else I could really
add, so, love you all, have a great holiday season, love you, miss ya.

-Elder Tayler Hagen

Me and my new friend.

 Jacob and Spencer Mere-cats

The wild chicken

I just found it ironic that peacocks where on display, considering where we live

An extremely exotic animal

I need one

And me on a sky wire.

Christmas as a district

Me, Elder Claus, Elder Eliason

Week 8: Alright

Anywhosers, my week, was alright, to an extent.

Monday was p-day, and p-day is p-day, we spent it shopping for
groceries, writing home, and all other chores that a normal person
would do throughout the week.

Tuesday, elder Eliason and I went on an exchange with the Zone
leaders, I went with the new guy that came in this last transfer to
his area, Elder Smith, he is an Mandarin speaking elder. Essentially
the day itself was spent going about and visiting with investigators
and less actives in the Zone Leaders area, so, I don't really have
much to write about in terms of an actual day.

Wednesday, we exchanged back, and visited an investigator who, in
lamen terms, is plain crazy. She, is extremely nice, but she doesn't
have any sense to her logic, except when it comes to the gospel, which
is interesting. So essentially, she listens to the lessons, she enjoys
them, she WANTS to be baptized, but she doesn't....

The rest of Wednesday was spent out and about, visiting shut doors and such.

Thursday, was an interesting one. We had a MLC, a mission leadership
conference, and only 40 our of the 100 companionships where invited, I
went, because the rest of my zone was going. We had a guest speaker,
the mission president from the District 2, that one mission training
series. He spoke on the need of using technology, and it's importance
in the modern mission era. It was great, we where told we could use
skype now for lessons. We left around 4:30, got stuck in some REALLY
bad traffic, and the 30 minute drive, turned into 2 hours. So we got
home at 6:30, ate dinner, and went out to visit some less actives.

Friday we had a zone conference in the morning, and service in the
afternoon, raking leaves and board games with a quadriplegic member of
our ward, which actually turned into a lesson, as there was a
non-member who was there with us, we got to teach the plan of
salvation and the restoration.

Not much happened Saturday.

Sunday was a normal fast Sunday with church from 1-3. We went out with
a member afterwards to visit some potentials/ investigators.

And essentially, that was my week, not too fancy, but a week non the less.

Anyway, love ya, i'll see y'all at Christmas.

-Elder Tayler Hagen

Elder Eliason and I


favorite car viewed while stuck in traffic



Friday, December 2, 2016

Week 7: Well Fed

Hi mom and everyone back home! It's p-day! So, i am emailing home to ya.

To start off, I got your package, thank you for the pillow and all the
snacks, but i'm not going to lie to ya, there is a member of my ward
who makes sure we are well stocked, so I appreciated all the Ramen,
but we already had a box of 48 of them.

I also got a thanksgiving package from Grandma Hagen, tell her thank
you for that, the minions where cool and the Christmas ornament is
awesome, I just don't have a tree to put it on.

On to my week!

So, Monday, was the last day elder Scott was in the Brandermill ward
and area, as such, He wanted to visit members and non-members to get 
pictures with em', say goodbye, get their emails and facebooks, etc, etc. 
so essentially, we went about the day doing such.

Tuesday was transfers. We woke up, went to go see a less active
member, Elder Scott's last goodbye, then we got a ride to transfers.
We walked in 5 minutes before it started, sang "called to serve" with
the other 60 something missionaries in the room, and got our new
companions. Funny thing is though, when Elder Scott and I sat down, we
sat down next to this other companionship, and lo and behold, i had
somehow sat down next to my new companion, Elder Eliason. Elder
Eliason, is not from Utah, which is a huge shocker. He is from
Arizona, so we where essentially in the same boat coming out here,
from hot and dry, to cold and trees. He graduated with the class of
2016, he came out 2 months before me. But honestly, that's where
similarities end. We walked to our regular Tuesday appointments once
we got back, and the day ended there.

Wednesday we went to go pick up a bike from a members home, so that we
could bike once again to all of our appointments, FUN. We biked over
to the church so elder Eliason could sink his IPad so he too, could
share in being able to decide where to go in Brandermill. We went to
go visit some less actives around the church afterwards, one of them
was insane, I helped her get plates from a box with broken dishes, and
we went home. We visited with an investigator we had been working with
afterwards, and had homemade sushi at a members home.

Thursday, Thanksgiving, turkey day, the day of thanks, that day, we
did nothing on terms of missionary work, it being too difficult to deal
with on said day.

So essentially, Thursday, we spent the morning in studies, and around
3 in the afternoon, we went to our Thanksgiving appointment. The
family we went to, the Thomas's where a new couple in the ward, the
only family they had over where their two younger kids, 4 and 7, and
Brother Thomas's father. They had purchased a 20 lbs turkey, expecting
us elders to eat, and eat, and eat, and boy where we stuffed after our
second plate. We spent around 3 hours at their home, before we where
picked up by a member to play card/board games at the church building
with a couple other families. Our day ended there, a whole lot of left
overs and a whole lot of homesickness.

Friday we went out with a member in the morning to go visit a less
active, and to go see potentials. The afternoon however, was spent in
a "service project" per say. Essentially, there is a quadriplegic man
in our ward, whom doesn't have much entertainment in his life, so, we
with a member, went over to his home, and played machi koro, a card
game which requires little to no movement. So we arrived, played a
round, I won, and actually taught a lesson to a non-member, Don's (the
quadriplegic) nurse, Oleg. We played 2 more rounds of the game, and
got home around 8.

Saturday was spent doing nothing of importance, little work got done,
no one answered the door.

Sunday, we woke up, got ready for church, went to our 2 hour meeting
(essentially classes wont start until the beginning of January.), and
went out with a member of our ward to go check up on some less
actives, and try and see some potentials. We actually got 2 return

And that was my week. I hope you all had a good Thanksgiving and black
Friday, I love and miss you all.

I don't have any pictures this week, I should have taken some, but Ii
didn't, sorry, although, I would like to point out the phones we are
using... Remember these things? The one I had as a kid was red.

Midlothian/Chesterfield Zone Conference, find Elder Hagen

Midlothian/Chesterfield Zone Conference lunch

Monday, November 21, 2016

Week 6: "Off Putting Week" and Transfers

Hello hello and how do you do,

So, I got, and am using a keyboard now, it's awesome. If there are any
typos, I'm still adjusting to the keyboard, so, you've been warned.

And concerning Austin, I was not expecting Idaho, tell him good luck for me!

ANYWAY, this week has been one of those "off putting weeks", as in, so
much has happened, but only on a select few days.

So Monday, was our second zone p-day for the transfer, and we got to
clean a house. The mission home to be exact. You see, the zone leaders
decide what we are going to do for zone p-days and other events with
"zone" in the title, so, instead of going to the zoo, or hiking on a
path right through a forest of trees that are in the process of
changing colors... we got to clean, for about 3 hours. Don't get me
wrong, we got free pizza, and it was a great experience, but there are
only two chances to go out of our area to see sights per transfer.

Tuesday was one of those "nothing really" days. We helped clean a
member's house as a service project, he being unable to clean it
himself, and the rest of Tuesday was spent doing little to none, as we
had no real appointments, and no one was available.

Wednesday was a little fuller, we had the day scheduled from
appointment to appointment, but each where about an hour apart, which
meant we had roughly 40 minutes to sit around or seek potentials.

Thursday, oh man, Thursday was a doozie. Basically, we had the entire
morning planned out, we would bike to a less actives, and then bike to
a potential appointment, and then bike to ANOTHER potential
appointment, and then tract a bit, BUT, a stick was thrown into our
plans when, on our way to the less actives, a piece of scrap metal,
about yeah long ———————— , punctured my back tire. Fortunately, A
recent convert saw Elder Scott trying to patch it, and was able to
give us a ride, in his little Honda Civic sized car, bikes and all, to
our appointment, she wasn't home. Elder Scott was able to put a
temporary patch on the tire, we biked home, and the day just kinda
ended there.

Friday was a slow day as well, we woke up kinda late, biked to the
less actives we where not able to see the day prior, biked home for
lunch, and I was out. I slept for about 3 and a half hours, and woke
up just in time for our dinner appointment, to find out they canceled
on us.

Now, Saturday, was interesting, 'cause, it was the Saturday before
transfers. I am not getting transferred... ELDER SCOTT... is getting
transferred.... and as such, I am staying in Brandermill, becoming the
senior companion for the area.... and I have NO idea... what I am
doing.... but hey, I might get a car, so we will see what happens. But
as far as the day goes, it was another slow one, we went on a blitz
(mini exchange) with the zone leaders, and went tracting, in an area
that we would not otherwise be able to get too without a car for about
two hours, we went to Wendy's following.

But, that is about it for my week, again, it's been a slow up and down
process, but I'm still hanging in there for the most part.

Love all y'all back home, I miss you all so much.

Love ya Mom.

-Elder Tayler Hagen

The Door to no where on the side of our home.

Genealogy: me, my trainer, and his trainer

Most mornings here in Virginia

 Me , Elder Scott, and Estes Family. Deadpool is to Brother Estes (our ward mission leader) like the Flash is to me. (Tayler loves all things Flash, the comic book hero)

Week 5: Big Time Bike Crash

Hey Mom and others! It's so great to hear from you!

Anywhosers, my week has been, long, to say the least. 

So, starting with Monday, I crashed on my bike, big time.... So, the day itself was fine, a normal p-day, woke up, went out to Taco Bell for lunch, emailed, shopped, etc etc... It wasn't until the end of p-day at 6, where things became difficult. Since, it's humid here, wind of any kind, goes straight through our clothing, so biking at night, which is now earlier in the day, becomes a problem. So, Monday night, we where biking home from the church after a long day of biking about, when we got to a downhill slope that had no shoulder for bikes, none whatsoever. As a result, a car got a little to close, I swerved into the gravel, it was too cold to hold on effectively, my front tire got caught on a rock, I went over the handle bars, and I slid a good 3 feet. 

But I'm fine! I got scrapped up a bit, nothing's torn or broken, my bike chain came off, but I was completely fine aside from a little bit of blood.

Tuesday, we had our first zone conference, it lasted from 10 in the morning, to about 4 at night. To give a brief explanation of what was taught; mission work with members, steps to help a progressing investigator to baptism, and keeping your car clean and ready. Fun fact, the church has to deal with over 400k in damage done to cars because of improper backing out alone, statistically, that would add about 23 new cars to all missions world wide. Afterwards, we visited a less active who doesn't attend because he takes care of his mother, and had dinner at another less actives, who, I kid you not, is probably my favorite person to visit. He is an ex-combat engineer for the military, he showed us a potato gun he built that he almost shot down a helicopter with a plastic bag with.

Wednesday was Wednesday, a lot of visiting with less actives, a lot of potentialing, and a lot of biking. We did get to meet the new bishop of he Bramdermill ward officially, nice guy.

Thursday we didn't do much but walk about. Friday was about the same.

Saturday, we raked leaves, for about 3 hours. The rest of the day was spent potentialing, with no one really interested.

Sunday, was a great way to end a week. First of all! It was fast Sunday, because we had stake conference last week, so, I woke up, didn't eat breakfast, got ready, and was picked up by pj, the most recent baptism in the stake, at 8:40. He drove us to the old Clover Hill ward to attend their sacrament, because he, pj, was being confirmed, and asked if elder Scott and I would join in the circle. We sat around afterwards until around 1, when our sacrament started. Testimony meeting lasted an hour and a half, the rest of the time we had a meet and great potluck, and boy howdy, was the meal just absolutely fantastic, everything from Hawaiian pulled pork (baked till it just fell apart in pineapple), to chili with chicken in it, to some phenomenal mac and cheese. The day ended with a visit to a member of our ward whom is one of the oldest living quadriplegics, he was injured in a rugby accident, and had been that way for about 20 years. It really made me grateful for my health.

Anyway, that's been my day, I don't have many pictures to share with all of y'all, I'll try to do better next week.

Love you!

-Elder Tayler Hagen

This is what Virginia looks like in the fall, colors, colors everywhere.